Students working in a group (c) Jonas Kron

Netiquette for using THWS social media channels

The university’s social media channels shall enable direct communication with users and they live from active participation. On all channels, respectful and friendly interaction are important to us. The we consider the following rules of conduct as baseline for all kinds of communication:

Our conversational tone is sober, polite, and respectful. We will not be challenged: Insults, abuse, and provocative language on our part do not take place.

We will delete without comment: posts that discriminate, are anti-constitutional, demagogic, unlawful, pornographic, extremist, racist, vulgar, disparaging or otherwise inappropriate.

We will delete advertisements, spam, and third-party commercial content without comment as well. Comments on posts, tweets etc. shall always refer directly to the matter. Off-topic comments are annoying and unwanted here.

So that everyone understands everything and misunderstandings are avoided: Our postings are written in German or English. We expect from our users to react in the corresponding language.

Data protection and information security are also important to us: Information worthy of protection, such as access data, addresses, telephone numbers, research data, personnel data and matriculation numbers are not published on our social media channels.

We pay attention to the General Standards and Terms of Use of the respective social media platform.

As employees of the university, we provide information via our the social media channels to the best of our knowledge and belief, but these are not legally binding. When we act as employees of our university on social media, we are required to be loyal to our employer.  

When publishing images and texts via our social media channels, we pay particular attention to the observance of copyright and personal rights and the right to one's own image. We also expect this from our users.