Students working in a group (c) Jonas Kron

THWS governance

Governing bodies of THWS

In accordance with the Bavarian Higher Education Act (Bayerisches Hochschulgesetz, BayHSchG) from 23 May 2006, the governing bodies of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt are as follows:

  1. The Board of Management or THWS Management (Hochschulleitung) consisting of the president, four vice presidents and one chancellor (head of administration).
  2. The THWS Senate (Senat) which is the elected representation of all members of THWS complemented by third-party members; the senate resolves the legal provisions to be adopted by THWS, determines the main areas of research, adopts proposals for the establishment, amendment and termination of degree programmes, and comments on suggested appointments of professors.
  3. The THWS Council (Hochschulrat)which, among others, resolves the Statutes of THWS, elects the president and vice presidents and decides on the plan for the university’s development designed by the extended THWS management.
  4. The Extended Board of Management or Extended THWS Management (Erweiterte Hochschulleitung) whose members advise and support the THWS Management. In addition, they design the plan for the university’s development and present it for approval to the THWS Council. The Extended THWS Management consists of the members of the THWS Management, all deans from THWS faculties and the women’s affairs officer.

Governing bodies in our faculties

Bodies of THWS faculties are

  1. The dean (Dekan) as head of the faculty and chair of the faculty council
  2. The dean of studies (Studiendekan) who is responsible for the courses on offer and the teaching quality of courses offered in the faculty.
  3. The faculty council (Fakultätsrat) which is responsible for everything else that is not within the responsibility of the dean or another body of the faculty.

Bodies representing our students

The highest student body at THWS is the Student Council (Studentischer Konvent). Its members are elected across all faculties and represent the specific, economic and social interests of all students at THWS.
Each student can become involved in the Student Representation (Studierendenvertretung) and defend the interests of all students.

University elections

The members of the THWS Senate, the Faculty Councils and the Student Council are elected by the respective group of THWS members they represent.

Business Advisory Board

To promote the exchange between THWS and local industry, THWS established the Business Advisory Board (Wirtschaftsbeirat). Its members are advisors to THWS, for example regarding the focus of offered degree programmes.

Other organisational bodies of THWS

THWS administration consists of executive administrative units (Stabsstellen) and departments (Hochschulservices). Additionally, there are several officers and coordinators (Beauftragte) who are responsible for specific issues or topics.