Prospective students

Your path to cooperative studies

Would you like to study close to practice and be financially independent? Then opt for one of our cooperative programme variants: academic study with intensive in-company training, or academic study combined with vocational training. Both variants include regular full-time studies and tailored practical contents for cooperative students.

When choosing academic study combined with vocational training, you will receive a degree by the IHK (German Chamber of Industry and Commerce) or HWK (German Chamber of Trades) in addition to your degree from THWS!

What is the course of cooperative studies?

As a student of THWS’ cooperative programmes, you will spend your lecture-free periods working interesting projects with the practice partner and deepen and practically apply the knowledge developed at THWS. Some degree programmes allow for differing temporal distribution of practice phases. During the lecture period you reflect upon your practice phase and transfer your practical experience to the academic context of THWS. For academic study combined with vocational training, the practice phases also focus on preparing for your final examination of your vocational training.

The adjacent exemplary overviews (in German) give insights into the course of both cooperative study variants: academic study with intensive in-company training, and academic study combined with vocational training.

Financial independence and bright perspectives

Cooperative students usually get a monthly salary from their practice partner that approximates the gross salary of a trainee in their second year of training. You do not only benefit from the systematic interweaving of theory and practice. Your degree also offers you excellent career perspectives along with the chance of continued employment with your practice partner.

The German image shows the exemplary course of academic study with intensive in-company training: In the first year, students commence, if applicable, with an optional pre-study internship on 1 September. On 1 October, they commence their studies. Students spend the lecture-free periods and their internship semester (5th semester) completing the vocational practice. In the 7th semester, students complete their bachelor’s thesis in cooperation with the partner company. The study with intensive in-company training ends after 3.5 years mid-March.
Exemplary course of study of academic study with intensive in-company training (here: bachelor's).
The German image show the exemplary course of a Verbundstudium (academic study combined with vocational training): In the first year, students commence their vocational training on 1 September. One year later, students take the interim exam and start their studies on 1 October. In the lecture-free periods, students continue their professional training until taking the final examination of their vocational training at the end of their 5th semester (internship semester). The lecture-free periods of the remaining semesters are spent with vocational practice. In the 7th semester, students complete their bachelor’s thesis in cooperation with the partner company. The Verbundstudium ends after 4.5 years in late February to early March.
Exemplary course of study of a Verbundstudium (academic study combined with vocational training).

Do cooperative studies cost extra?

No tuition fees are levied for cooperative studies at THWS. But like any other student you must pay the semester fees to the Studierendenwerk, and the fees for the semester ticket. For an overview of the current fees, please see semester fees.

What are you waiting for?

Enrolling in a cooperative study programme is not difficult. However, it takes good preparation. Here, you will read what to consider, which deadlines apply, and what documents are required.

Only five steps to cooperative studies!

The German study place portal (Studienplatzportal) offers an overview of THWS degree programmes offered in a cooperative variant, a detailed description of the individual degree programmes, and the contact information of our practice partners.

Are you in contact with a company that has not yet become a THWS practice partner, i.e. that has not yet entered into a practice partner agreement? In this case, please directly ask the company for cooperative studies. If the company is interested, they can get into contact with the THWS coordinator of cooperative studies.

Once you have found a suitable offer, you can apply as a cooperative student with one of our 100+ practice partners, and then regularly apply for a place at THWS via the THWS CampusPortal.

Please note that some practice partners might run individual assessment processes well in advance of the ones at THWS. Thus, please contact the employer of your choice as soon as possible (about one year before starting your studies)! Applications at THWS are subject to application deadlines - for German-taught degree programme with open admission, the application period usually starts on 1 May.

Please also consider that there are individual admission requirements for some degree programmes, e.g. pre-study internships!

Enter into a practice partner agreement with your practice partner. This agreement defines you and your practice partner's rights and duties: Compensation, holiday entitlement, practice phases - all this is governed by the practice partner agreement. The modalities of the agreement are negotiated between the student and the practice partner without THWS involvement. As a basis for the agreement, we recommend you use the sample contract of hochschule dual which is available in the download section.

During the enrolment process, cooperative students submit their practice partner agreement to THWS; subsequently, they are listed as students of the cooperative variant of the degree programme.

Have you only just learnt about cooperative studies and are still in the midst of the application process with the practice partner, but the application period at THWS is about to end? Enrol within the deadline as a regular student first. If you manage to find a cooperative student position with a practice partner, please inform the Department of Student Affairs as soon as possible and submit your practice partner agreement by the end of the lecture period of the first semester at the latest.

In this case, please also contact the coordinator of cooperative studies at your THWS location and the programme director of your degree programme.

Done! You are officially enrolled in cooperative studies at THWS. During your studies, you will attend the so-called transfer colloquium to reflect and exchange with the other cooperative students from your degree programme or faculty. In specific modules, you will complete different examination achievements or exam topics than your fellow students - for continuous systematic theory-practice-transfer between THWS and company. You spend your internship semester with the practice partner. The final thesis is also completed in cooperation with the practice partner.

The practice plan for your degree programme contains recommendations for practice phases with the practice partner. For the practice plans, please see the download section.

Contact persons for prospective students

Academic advisory service

The academic advisory service advises prospective students in general study-related questions, e.g. regarding admission requirements, or study options and conditions.

Programme advisors

Students and prospective students can contact our programme advisors prior to and during their entire studies. This includes advice on programme options and study techniques in the subject area.

To find the programme advisor in charge of your programme, please see the website of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).

Department of Student Affairs (HSST)

If you have questions on your application, admission, enrolment, exam registration, exam dates, re-enrolment, internship, or need a transcript of records, browse the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).

To contact the Department of Student Affairs (HSST), please use the contact form or, with issues related to your degree programme, contact the individual advisor of the respective programme.