FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Deutschlandstipendium - Announcement 2025

Logo of the National Scholarship - Deutschlandstipendium

For the summer semester 2025, THWS intends to award 13 scholarships according to the National Scholarship Act (StipG).

Scholarships are partly dependent on the degree programme. Please refer to the overview of available scholarships 2025 to find out for which scholarships application is possible.

Possibly more scholarships will be added to already available scholarships; they will be awarded by the same awarding process.

General Information

Duration: (2 semesters) 15 March 2025 to 14 March 2026

Scholarship amount: 300 € per month

Application deadline: 1 April 2025 (cut-off limit)

Requirements, selection/exclusion criteria

Scholarships are awarded according to academic talent and performance. In addition to the achievements made so far and the applicants’ personal background, social commitment, the willingness to assume responsibility or special social, family or personal circumstances are to be taken into account.

Academic performance and talent are proven by the grades (higher than 2.00) so far achieved and the ECTS credits so far earned. For first-semester students, the grade of their higher education entrance qualification is decisive (for details see the Regulation). A bonus is granted for special social circumstances and/or social commitment. The final selection is made after a selection interview.

In order to regulate the awarding of a Deutschlandstipendium following the National Scholarship Act, the THWS Board of Management has issued Regulation for the awarding.

Exclusion criterion

Students who already receive a talent- or merit-based scholarship that reaches an average of at least 30 € per month are not eligible for a Deutschlandstipendium. Examples of such funding include scholarships and grants from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, the Max-Weber-Programm (material part of the scholarship), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), etc. For a more detailed list, please refer to www.stipendiumplus.de or www.begabtenfoerderung.de (linked pages available in German only).


Application guidelines

Please note the Regulation for the Awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium according to the National Scholarship Act issued by the THWS Board of Management.
The standard period of study will be calculated in accordance with Article 99 (2) of the Bavarian higher education act.

Application deadline

The complete online form (only available in German) must be received by the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt within the application period from 15 March to 1 April 2025.

Necessary documents

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Credit certificates/Transcript of records
    a) Applicants from 2nd programme semester or higher: Transcript of records and, if applicable, first diploma/Vordiplom
    b) Applicants from 1st programme semester: higher education entrance qualification or
    • certificate of vocational training including final grade
    • for Master's students: First degree certificate containing the degree grade
  • If applicable, evidence of personal circumstances and/or social commitment
    (See § 7 (3) of the Regulation)

Application procedure

Please note that the application period has expired. Once the next application period has started:

Contact and Address

In order to apply for a Deutschlandstipendium, please send the completed online form within the application period. 

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail deutschlandstipendium[at]thws.de. In urgent cases, you can also contact us by phone: 0931 3511-6051.

Privacy information and statement

Privacy information

Your personal data will be processed exclusively for the scholarship selection procedure. Your data will only be passed on to the university staff involved in the administrative handling of the application and to members of the University’s selection committees (including scholarship donors) for purposes of the selection process only.
Any further passing on of your data will only be carried out with your express consent.
For reasons of administrative simplification, information on personal data may have to be obtained from the THWS Department of Student Affairs (HSST).

Privacy statement

I agree with the internal collection, processing, use, and storage of my personal data within the selection procedure and the awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium by the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt as well as with the transfer in accordance with § 13 StipG for the keeping of federal statistics. Otherwise, the data will not be passed on to third parties. The data will be deleted immediately as soon as it is no longer needed for the purpose of carrying out the Deutschlandstipendium.

The Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt welcomes the contact between the scholarship holders and the sponsors. However, the scholarship will not be contingent upon consideration, employment or a declaration of intent regarding future employment. Data will only be passed on to the respective sponsors with your explicit declaration of consent. This declaration of consent for data transfer to the sponsors is voluntary and has no influence on the funding decision.


The Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt would like to thank all sponsors supporting the Deutschlandstipendium, in particular:

  • Baurconsult Architekten Ingenieure
  • Hans-Wilhelm-Renkhoff-Stiftung
  • Leonhard Weiss GmbH & Co.KG
  • Peter Böger Stiftung
  • Sparkasse Mainfranken Würzburg
  • VR-Bank Main-Rhön eG
  • Wölfel Engineering GmbH & Co.KG