Student at machine (c) Stefan Bausewein

Information for International applicants

Educational qualifications of foreign applicants can only be treated as advanced technical college certificates (“Fachhochschulreife”) if they have been acknowledged as being equal. All persons who acquired their educational qualifications abroad usually have to follow the preliminary review documentation (VPD) by uni-assist e.V., Geneststr. 5, 10829 Berlin.
Independent from this procedure, an application has to be made in due time via the THWS online application portal. The preliminary review documentation is a mandatory part of your application documents.
For general information about the acknowledgment of foreign education qualifications, please refer to the responsible office at the Bavarian Ministry of Education or to the Central Office for Foreign Education (anabin) at the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder.

Information for International applicants

For international applicants and students, the best port of call is our International Office. The International Office provides information about degree programmes for internationals for both exchange and full time students.

In addition, it has a broad offer of services and support for international students. Already before the semester begins, the International Office offers its orientation programme for all new international students. But also during the semester, there are offers for intercultural trainings, events and field trips.

The team of our International Office and further information are available on the International Office’s website.