FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) at THWS on 26 April

Presentations, workshops, and informational events at the THWS location in Schweinfurt

Tangible science is offered during the Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) on Friday, 26 April, at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS). From 16:00 to 22:00, THWS opens its doors to the public at the Ignaz Schön Campus (Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11) and the Ledward Campus (Konrad-Zuse-Str. 2) in Schweinfurt. Pupils, families, alumni, prospective students, and of course everybody interested in science and technology are invited to participate in workshops and experiments, to visit presentations and informational events, or to discover the THWS area and labs together with a THWS buddy.

A whole variety of topics from the Schweinfurt-based degree programmes is covered, among them: Where do robots get their intelligence from? How can one make money with mathematics? How can the energy transformation be successful? How can hydrogen technology contribute to saving the climate? Visitors can expect answers to these questions and many more interesting topics. There will also be general information on studying at THWS and also details on the individual degree programmes and the dual cooperative study programmes. THWS professors, employees, and students, and local cooperating companies are available for informal conversations at numerous information stands.

To round off the programme, the canteen (Mensa) at the Ignaz Schön Campus offers various food and beverage options until 20:00. At both locations, there will be ice cream carts and cocktail carts serving non-alcoholic cocktails. We are also offering free popcorn and cotton candy.

Participation is free of charge, prior registration is not necessary. For the complete programme, please see our website: https://www.thws.de/en/about-the-university/tag-der-wissenschaft-science-day/



Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt




97421 Schweinfurt


Press contact:              

Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Angela Kreipl

Münzstr. 12

97070 Würzburg


+49 931 3511-8354