FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Innovative bridging studies commence at THWS: "Bridge into the future"

This certificate programme enables participants to realise projects they are passionate about while attaining ECTS credits for advanced training

Not wasting the time between major life phases but making use of it to complete one's individual dear project: This is made possible by the new bridging studies "Zukunftsideen und Projektumsetzung" (future ideas and project realisation) at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS).

For times between graduating from school and starting one's bachelor's programme, between bachelor's and master's programme, or between master's programme and career start: These breaks can be used to realise one’s personal dream. Within the frame of the new certificate programme, not only may students promote a project dear to them but also attain up to 30 ECTS credits for other qualifications.

Individual's ideas in the focus

In the bridging studies, the focus is placed on the individual's personal project: Students are provided with one or two semester's time to significantly develop their idea and put it in the implementation stage. They are supported by accompanying courses in which they develop meta competences. These courses include "personal development", "project management", "business modelling", and "communication". The examinations are not focused on mere theoretical knowledge but on the realisation of individual project aspects. The project idea can be defined individually and may have an economic, creative, social, or scientific background, for example. The bridging studies are thus not only suitable for young people in orientation phases but also for target-oriented potential founders, entrepreneurs, or people interested in a doctorate. This offer is German-taught. Participants thus require German language skills of level B2 or higher (CEFR).

Attaining ECTS credits

The bridging studies do not entail a formal degree; however, up to 30 ECTS credits may be attained which might be accredited in degree programmes taken up afterwards. If participants encounter a "qualification gap" concerning the ECTS credits required for their intended master’s programme, they may also make use of the bridging studies as an attractive option for filling this gap. Graduates receive a certificate-like confirmation containing the modules completed in the frame of the bridging studies.

Unique in Germany

The bridging studies are an innovative offer by the Campus for Applied Research (CAF) at THWS: "The bridging studies concepts shows in an impressive way that innovations are also possible in the area of teaching and learning formats. I believe that this idea having emerged from the Campus for Applied Research is a sign of courage, great commitment, and innovative spirit of our organisation I am curious to see how this format will be perceived and how it will develop," says Professor Dr. Jan Schmitt, THWS Vice President for Research and Entrepreneurship. In this format, the degree programme is unique in Germany according to the head of CAF, Dr. Christian Lengl: "I know of no other degree programme offering as much freedom or room for development. The bridging studies quite literally build a bridge into the participants’ future and ideally promote a fulfilling career."

More information:

All details regarding the bridging studies can be found on the website of the THWS Campus for Applied Research. Bridging studies can be commenced with either semester (i.e. summer or winter). Enrolment is now possible via the THWS online portal.


Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Campus for Applied Research

Dr. Christian Lengl

Münzstr. 12

97070 Würzburg



Press contact:  
Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Angela Kreipl

Münzstr. 12

97070 Würzburg


+49 931 3511-8354