AI Camp Würzburg: A fantastic success!

Tue, 18 Jun 2024 | CAIRO,

We are pleased to announce that the first AI Camp Würzburg was a fantastic success! The event brought together AI enthusiasts and professionals.

A special thanks to Ute Mündlein and Franziska Raupach from Wuerzburg Web Week for their outstanding planning and organization, which made the event possible.

Event Highlights and Feedback
The AI Camp featured insightful talks, engaging workshops, and networking opportunities. Attendees had the chance to explore the latest trends in AI, participate in hands-on sessions, and connect with industry experts. The atmosphere was collaborative and inspiring.

There is great interest in hosting another AI Camp Würzburg this year and Ute and Franziska are already exploring the possibilities.

What’s Next?
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We already look forward to future events and continuing to build a vibrant AI community in Würzburg!

For full article see AI-Barcamp in Würzburg: "Un-Konferenz" lockt mit Austausch auf Augenhöhe (only available in German)