Opens website with information about enrolment at THWS

How does the Deutschlandstipendium work?

With a financial contribution of at least € 1,800, you can finance a one-year grant and sponsor the next generation of academics in Germany. The other 50 % of the grant, i.e. another € 1,800, will be paid by the Federal Republic of Germany. This means that, over a period of one year, students will receive a grant of € 300 per month, 50 % of which will be financed by private sponsors, the other 50 % by the Federal Republic of Germany.

For every second and third grant they finance, sponsors can choose a specific subject or degree course, i.e. they can designate their funds to a specific purpose. Under certain circumstances, it might also be possible to finance a grant in part.

Potential sponsors and interested students can find important information on the Deutschlandstipenidum as well as answers to any questions they might have on the website by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The university administration has issued guidelines for the awarding of Deutschlandstipendium according to the Stipendienprogramm-Gesetz. You can find these guidelines here.

In addition to a top academic record, award criteria also include community engagement activities and special social, personal or family circumstances.
