FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Sustainability and responsibility:

THWS' sustainability strategy

Following our understanding of sustainability, THWS is currently developing a detailed sustainability strategy that includes five central fields of action.

For each of these fields of action, specific objectives and strategic measures for different time periods are drawn up. The implementation of the strategy is assessed on a regular basis. Progress and challenges are noted in the annual sustainability report.

Field of action: Teaching

Locating sustainability in teaching is an essential issue. Education in sustainable development enables people to think and act in a future-oriented way. This also includes understanding how one's own actions impact not only the local environment and people but also humans and nature in other parts of the world. Sustainable development also teaches people how to picture the effects on future generations and how to thus make responsible decisions.

Pupils are raising their arms during class

Field of action: research

Conducting research to develop applicable solutions for current societal challenges is one of THWS' core tasks. Sustainability is a focused field of research which involves different disciplines and regional partners. Promoting the start-up culture is also part of the research strategy. Research itself is also subject to sustainability aspects.

Symbolic image of research: People holding pens are pointing at various documents

Field of action: operations

THWS' daily operations have direct and indirect ecological, economical, and social effects. These call for sustainable decision-making and actions, among others, in the fields of purchase, waste management, mobility, energy management, research and teaching, event management, employment, and communication. Specific measures and aims provide a framework and are at the core of THWS' climate protection concept.

Symbolic image: There are different objects on a tablet showing different diagrams. Among the objects are a house, a wind power plant, some trees, and meadows

Field of action: governance

The field of action governance is concerned with anchoring sustainability at THWS to include all stakeholders, and in reporting on sustainability actions. Coordination and management of sustainability-related processes and activities are affected centrally and by including additional committees, in which all stakeholders are either directly or indirectly involved to drive sustainable developments together.

Building blocks are being stacked into the image of the building of a higher education institution with hands held out below the blocks

Field of action: Student initiatives and transfer

THWS is cooperating with companies and institutions to implement findings from teaching and research directly into practice in order to seize societal impulses. Student initiatives contribute significantly to actively involve students and young talents in the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences. The establishment of a regional network and initiatives in the field of sustainability are thus supported and expedited.

Two groups of people are depicted as wood blocks. One group shines white, the other group is rather dark. The dark group is fed ideas by the bright group to start shining, too.