Our vision & strategy for sustainabilty
To us at THWS, sustainability is not only an empty shell. Within the meaning of our guiding principle for societal responsibility, we drive the transformation of societies towards more sustainability. We thus apply our talent, innovational power, and academic excellence to ensure health and prosperity for future generations in harmony with nature and the environment. We are convinced that a strong network, our collective responsibility, and the shared commitment are essential to promote a sustainable future.
Our understanding of sustainability

Our understanding of sustainability is characterised by our shared values. To meet the future-relevant challenges posed to THWS, the region, the society and the economy, we assume responsibility by creating an environment for studying, researching, and working that equally takes into account ecological, economic, and social aspects. The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations also serve as orientation for THWS so that we can contribute to meeting the SDGs through our actions and behaviour.
The ecological dimension of sustainability
We describe the field of sustainability through the dimension of ecological sustainability, among others. To us this means any action and behaviour that leads to a decreased resource usage (e.g. saving energy), and creating fewer emissions ("Zero Carbon", e.g. by buying more sustainable goods). Our climate protection concept signifies ecological sustainability and is aimed at environmental protection and conservation.
The economical dimension of sustainability
We also value economic sustainability, i.e. we as a higher education institution act in accordance with economic principles to ensure our educational mandate in the long term, e.g. by efficient purchasing and resource usage, long-term use vs. new purchases.
The social dimension of sustainability
One integral part of THWS' understanding of sustainability is social sustainability. As a family-friendly higher education institution and by offering our employees a health management, we prioritise our employees' health and personal wellbeing as well as the implementation of their interests.