50 Years 50 Faces
Luisa Reichert
Business administration graduate with dual degree in international business + student ambassador
At FHWS from October 2017 until October 2021
For me, FHWS is ...
the perfect combination of education, practical experience and friendships in an international environment.
What do you appreciate about FHWS?
The practical relevance of teaching and the opportunity to explore a global range of options abroad as part of your degree. Stays abroad during my dual degree enabled me to gain valuable experience and develop my international contacts.
What was the best decision in your professional career and why? What has changed since then?
The best decision in my professional career was choosing a dual degree in Taiwan and the UK. Unforgettable memories and amazing experiences. It allowed me not just to define my next steps professionally, but also to broaden my own personal horizons as I got to know new cultures and languages.
What do you think has shaped FHWS the most over the last 50 years?
I believe the development of an international network with partner universities has had a huge impact on FHWS and made it more outward-looking. Many students have had the chance to gain international experience, something not possible to the same extent 50 years ago.
What is your vision of the future for FHWS? What might FHWS look like in 50 years’ time?
There will be a drive to expand digital teaching in the next 50 years, including at FHWS. I hope there will also be more partnerships and projects with businesses, including in the early semesters, for an even greater link to practice.
What is your insider tip for the cities of Würzburg or Schweinfurt and why?
My insider tip for Würzburg has to be the Mainwiesen in summer. Meet friends for a barbecue, picnic, swim or a glass of wine: the Mainwiesen meadows are the perfect place for students in Würzburg.