Katja Bolza-Schünemann
Image: Stefan Bausewein

50 Years 50 Faces

Katja Bolza-Schünemann


At FHWS since August 2005

For me, FHWS is ...
more than a workplace; it is a place where the starting point for the future is constantly changing, a spot for spaces. A place for possibilities and a catalyst for creativity.

What do you appreciate about FHWS?

It is always exciting to try new things, work together with dedicated students, employees and professors, to see their enthusiasm.

What was the best decision in your professional career and why? What has changed since then?

I've wanted to be a journalist since I was 15. When I hear the phrase work-life balance, I smile. I know about “shut up and get on with it”: the next working day started at 7:30 am, regardless of whether the technology failed in editing on the evening of the proof before and you didn't finish work until 11 pm. I am curious – it's the content that's important, more than form or formalities.

What do you think has shaped FHWS the most over the last 50 years?

It undoubtedly was and is always people who have significantly shaped and continue to shape FHWS. Lecture room sponsoring, particularly with the Aldi lecture room, brought the then Fachhochschule into all media and initiated discussions about financing models at universities and higher education institutions throughout Germany. And I also think increasing internationalisation is a crucial factor, as is the use of new technologies.

What is your vision of the future for FHWS? What might FHWS look like in 50 years’ time?

I hope that FHWS will always be a place to meet, a place of learning and exchange, regardless of whether in person or digital.

What is your insider tip for the cities of Würzburg or Schweinfurt and why?

I like to go to the "Kutter am Main", a tiny houseboat where you can get food and drinks. I think the Mozart festival is great. In addition, I would like to praise the citizens’ services: they are very dedicated, positive figureheads in Würzburg and Schweinfurt.