Students working in a group (c) Jonas Kron

Research, industry, and transfer

Co-operation with IDEE

IDEE is able to develop solution strategies for the challenges of digital production and transfer them into practice in a goal-oriented way, especially through the model of the research professorships. Thanks to the competences in the various centres, tailor-made concepts can be created for a wide range of research questions.

We are looking forward to working with you!

Publicly-funded projects

Publicly funded projects are suitable for strategic, i.e. medium- to long-term questions. IDEE defines suitable topics and initial concepts together with its partners in practice and then filters out suitable calls for proposals. The alliance of industry and research bundles further competences and can deliver new, innovative and, above all, answers tailored to the practice partner.

Bilateral projects

In the case of very practical, usually short-term issues, bilateral projects are a good option as contract research. In consultation with the specialists, the distribution of intellectual property, among other things, is regulated in a form of contract suitable for both sides. 

Theses & jobs

Dear Students,

You want to write your thesis in and about exciting research projects, complete your project or work as a research assistant? Contact the research professors and research associates directly and we will try to take care of you in the best possible way!