Studierende der THWS an Bohrmaschine, c Stefan Bausewein

CAIRO Team Has a Blast at Kiliani Volksfest in Würzburg

20.07.2023 |, CAIRO

Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIRO) team swapped their tech gear for an afternoon at Kiliani Volksfest (a large and well-known fair) in Würzburg. The festival's mix of good food, refreshing beer, and thrilling rides provided the perfect components for a fun afternoon.

After spending some time (and money) in the beer tent, where the food and drinks were excellent, the CAIRO team went looking for some adrenaline rush – they hopped on an 80-meter-high chain carousel, and roller coasters that twisted and turned in unexpected ways.

The team had a blast at Kilinai Volksfest and is already looking forward to next year.