Studierende der THWS an Bohrmaschine, c Stefan Bausewein

New professor – Prof. Dr. Pascal Meißner

11.10.2022 | CAIRO, FIW

The Center for Artificial Intelligence and the Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems (FIW) warmly welcome our new colleague Prof. Dr. Pascal Meißner.

He will start his research professorship in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in the winter semester 2022/23.

Pascal was previously a lecturer at the University of Aberdeen (UK), where he established robotics as a new field in research and teaching.

At FHWS, Pascal will offer a lecture on the foundations of artificial intelligence for mobile robots in the international master’s programme Artificial Intelligence.

As part of his research professorship, he will pursue the research approach of developing software systems based on artificial intelligence that give robots new, practically relevant capabilities. For Pascal, robotics is applied engineering science – he does not simply want to develop laboratory prototypes, rather he wants to take a system to the point where it becomes interesting for the end user in the actual application environment.

We are very happy that Pascal is now part of our team and we wish him a successful start!