Fully Funded Research Position in ‘Machine Learning for Autonomous Robot Exploration’

A position (PhD level only) is available to work with Prof Pascal Meissner in the ‘Center for Artificial Intelligence’ at the ‘Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt Technical University of Applied Sciences’ on one of today’s most relevant research problems at the intersection of autonomous robotics, machine learning, computer vision, and artificial intelligence.
Learn as you help robots see, learn, and navigate! As mobile robots spread into different areas of human activity, they are breaking through the boundaries of the structured and static environments, such as houses or gardens, where they were first used. This is particularly thanks to breakthroughs in deep learning, which have provided robots with an unprecedented level of flexibility and safety in navigating complex environments. However, these advances remain limited to environments through which such robots have previously been manually steered to painstakingly record 3D maps of them. Still, we need robots that can explore and monitor unknown environments (without having been steered through them first) to perform tasks in them. Giving robots such capabilities is the goal of this project and of utmost importance for the success of future robotic systems.
We are hiring! Our team is looking for a motivated research collaborator who has

  • A Master’s or Bachelor’s degree from an EHEA country (with a minimum GPA at 3.5 out of 4.0) in either Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, or a related discipline. If you are unsure whether your degree is from an EHEA country, visit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Higher_Education_Area) for guidance
  • Confidence and independence in programming complex systems (hands-on experience in software development)
  • Solid background in algorithms and data structures
  • Solid skills in maths (skills in statistics are helpful)
  • Strong communication skills in English (both oral and in writing)
  • Interest in autonomous robotics, machine learning, computer vision, or artificial intelligence

We will give you the opportunity to work independently and the freedom to steer the direction of the research according to your interests and strengths within the overall project goal.
The position is fully funded in accordance with the German TV-L salary scale, pay grade: E13, employment: 100 % of standard working time (about 4000 euros per month before tax and social security contributions), see also https://oeffentlicher-dienst.info/c/t/rechner/tv-l/west?id=tv-l-2023&matrix=1 

Applications can only be considered if they hold a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree from an EHEA country. This position will be filled as soon as an appropriate candidate is found. Interested candidates should send their complete applications by email to Prof Pascal Meissner (pascal.meissner[at]thws.de).
Applications should include:

  • All Degree Certificates/Academic Transcripts (English, German or officially translated into English). Please indicate your GPA
  • A full CV describing your background (max 2 pages). Please indicate your relevant skills, scientific publications, awards, research videos and/or code, professional profile(s)
  • A copy of your most recent thesis (Master’s or Bachelor’s) and the email addresses of your supervisors. If you have not yet submitted your thesis, please let us know when you will submit it
  • Any documents providing evidence of academic achievements, relevant practical experience, and qualifications earned at or outside of the university

You will be supervised by Prof Pascal Meissner and will be a part of a cross-disciplinary English-speaking team. As a member of our research team, we guarantee you regular and personal 1:1 supervision, as well as unlimited access to our state-of-the-art robotics lab and to outstanding experts in autonomous robotics, computer vision, representation learning, natural language processing, multi-sensor fusion, time-series analysis, and many more. Teamwork, diversity, and transparency belong to our core beliefs.
You will also have the opportunity to contribute to live industrial projects from time to time. In addition, senior research collaborators are encouraged to take up teaching assistantships to develop their teaching skills, should they envision their futures in academia. We anticipate that you intend to pursue a PhD degree at our doctoral school for Sustainable and Intelligent Systems (NISys).
CAIRO (Center for Artificial Intelligence) is a research center established at the Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt Technical University of Applied Sciences (THWS) under the Hightech Agenda Bavaria. We collaborate with national and international top-tier research partners (e.g., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Bielefeld University, University of Birmingham, University of Aberdeen, University of Groningen, UCLouvain). The Hightech Agenda Bavaria is a technology offensive unique in Germany with a total investment volume of two billion euros. In CAIRO alone, 3.3 million euros are being invested and 8 new professorships created.