Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peik Bremer

Persönliche Daten

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
+49 9721 940 - 8667
E-Mail Adresse

Abteilung / Funktion / Ausstattung an der FHWS

FWI (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)
IDEE (Institut Digital Engineering)
Funktion im Institut
Funktion in der FHWS
  • Prüfungskommission/-ausschuss
  • weitere Funktionen
    Modell-Fabrik mit zweistufiger Fertigung, gesteuert durch ein SAP ERP -System.
    Kommissionieranlage mit verschiedenen Optionen zur Behälteridentifikation, Verfahren der Kommissionierung (Ware zum Mann = Horizontalkarussell, Mann zur Ware) und Kommissionierunterstützung, u.a. Pick-by-PDA, Pick-by-Light, gesteuert durch ein SAP EWM-System
    Modell-Montageanlage mit fünf Montagestationen, an der die Abtaktung von Montageanlagen im variantenreichen Multi-Modell-Betrieb sowie die bedarfsgerechte Materialbereitstellung Just-in-time und Just-in-Sequence demonstriert werden kann.
    Software zum Wertstromdesign und zur Data Envelopment Analysis
    Smart Wearables für die "Person-zur-Ware-Kommissionierung"
    Material-und Fertigungswirtschaft, Logistik. Datenverarbeitung
    Technische Systeme in der Logistik

    Einordnung in DFG Systematik der Fächer

    Verkehrs- und Transportsysteme, Logistik


    Smart Logistics

    Temperaturgeführte Logistik/Cold Chain

    The Shop Floor as a Digital Ecosystem
    Bisherige Forschungstätigkeiten
    Logistik-Kooperationen im Mittelstand, Renkhoff-Stiftung

    Variantenvielfalt als Komplexitätstreiber, Renkhoff-Stiftung

    Produktivitätsgesteuerte Auslegung und Auswahl von Horizontalkommissionierern, Renkhoff-Stiftung

    Living Case "LearnFab", BMBF Qualitätspakt Lehre

    Suppy Chain Adaptability in the Solar Module Industry, BayChina

    Developing a Model to Transfer Cold Chain Logistics Standards from Europe/Germany to China and Taiwan, BayChina

    A Framework for Digital Ecosystems on the Shop Floor, BayChina
    Bisherige Beratungstätigkeiten
    Konsolidierung der Materialnummernviellfalt , MIWE Michael Wenz GmbH (Arnstein)

    Transportvolumina in der Vorholung - Vorbereitung einer Ausschreibung, LEONI Bordnetz-Systeme GmbH

    Analyse und Optimierung der Verpackungsstruktur im Konsolidierungspunkt Ingolstadt, LEONI Bordnetz-Systeme GmbH

    Analyse der Huckepack-Verkehre für Tiefkühlwaren, EDEKA Gochsheim

    Prozesskostenanalyse im Wareneingang Trockensortiment, EDEKA Gochsheim

    Ermittlung wirtschaftlicher Losgrößen in der Ersatzlogistik, Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH

    Kapazitäts-/ Ressourcenplanung Wareneingang, Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH

    Comparative Analysis Intermodal Transport vs. Individual Wagon Service, TX Logistik AG

    Transparent Plant Material Flow, MEKRA Lang GmbH & Co. KG

    Feasibility Study RFID, DBL Richter Textilservice GmbH

    Feasibility Study: Rail Terminal at Lauda-Königshofen, Stadt Lauda-Königshofen

    Efficient Supply of Materials to the Shop Floor, Fresenius Medical Care GmbH Deutschland

    Design of a Production Planning Process, J. E. Schum GmbH & Co KG

    Reengineering of a Storage and Order Picking System, EURO-FRIWA GmbH

    Optimization Potentials in Production Logistics, Thales Transportation GmbH

    Analysis of the Material Staging Process, BSH GmbH

    Reengineering of the Packing Process and Re-design of Packing Stations, EURO-FRIWA GmbH

    Modular Equipment Concept for Truck Platforms, B. Vomberg GmbH & Co. KG

    Logistik-Netzwerk Schweinfurt, IHK / SKF GmbH /ZF Friedrichshafen AG / Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG

    Gründer-Innovations- und Beratungszentrum für den Handel, Stadt Schweinfurt

    Logistik im innerstädtischen Bereich, Stadt Schweinfurt

    Logistik in Handwerksbetrieben, Handwerkskammer Unterfranken

    Customizing a Warehouse Management System for a Dangerous Goods Warehouse, Schäflein AG

    Transition from a proprietary WMS to SAP-EWM, SALT Solutions GmbH

    "5S" in the Warehouse, EURO-FRIWA GmbH

    Value Stream Analysis, NIPRO PharmaPackaging Germany

    sowie zahlreiche Beratungsmandate in Nebentätigkeit
    DAAD, seit 2013
    Besonderes Interesse an Projekten / Partnern / Themenbereiche
    Technische Systeme der Logistik, insbesondere Identifikationssysteme und Materialflusstechnik; Cold Chain/Temperaturgeführte Logistik;Smarte Logistik;
    Anpassungsfähige Supply Chains
    Kompetenzcluster der FHWS
    • Mobilität
    • Mensch & Ökonomie
    • Digitalisierung
    • Smarte Produktion

      Persönliche Vernetzung und Auszeichnungen

      Mitgliedschaft Fachgremien / Verbänden
      BVL, Bundesvereinigung Logistik
      ISM Institute for Supply Management
      International Symposium on Logistics, Member of the International Advidsory Committee


      Brüggemann, Holger und Bremer, Peik (2020). Grundlagen Qualitätsmanagement. Von den Werkzeugen über Methoden zum TQM, 3. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner
      Bremer, Peik (2000). Integriertes Führungskonzept für Projekte des Anlagenbaus. Aachen: Shaker
      Walker, P; Tsai, K-M und Bremer, P (2011). How do European companies judge the impact of ECFA for their business in Taiwan? Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2011) „Rebuilding Supply Chains for a Globalised World. Berlin, 10. - 13.07. 2011

      Chen, M; Chen, J; Bremer, P und Tsai, K (2014). A Case Study on De-Risking Plans for Stronger Supply Chain Resilience. Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Logistics "Designing Responsible and Innovative Global Supply Chains" (ISL 2014), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 6-9th July 2014

      Hsu, Y-C; Bremer, P; Tsai, K-M und Huang, E (2015). Measuring Supply Chain Adaptability: A Case Study in Solar PV Industry. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Logistics "Reflections on Supply Chain Research and Practice" (ISL 2015), Bologna, Italy, 5-8th July 2015

      Chen, M-H; Huang, W-K; Bremer, P and Tsai, K-M (2016), Implementing Meta-heuristics for AS/RS Picking Scheduling in Support of Production Lines. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Logistics "Sustainable Transport and Supply Chain Innovation", Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3rd–6th July 2016.

      Lirn, T TC; Bremer, P; Liu, J CJ (2017), A Study on the Quality Management of Containerised Grains in Asia. Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) "Maritime Transport Quality in the Evolving World Trade", Kyoto, Japan, 27th-30th June.

      Bremer, P; Grasmik, K und Tsai, K-M (2018), Organizational Success Factors of Lead Plant/Sister Plant Relationships in Global Production Networks. Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Logistics "Big Data Enabled Supply Chain Innovations", Bali, Indonesia, 8th-11th Juli.

      Bremer, P; Lehr, C and Rudloff, A (2019) - Electric Mobility and Digitalization: Do Automotive Supply Networks Adapot in Revolutionary oder Evolutionary Patterns? Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Logistics "Supply Chain Networks vs Platforms: Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities", Würzburg, 14th-17th July, pp. 146-157

      Meyer, M; Pechtl, L.; Bremer, P and Schmitt, J (2019) - Towards Position-based Technologies for Digitized Process Management on the Shop Floor. Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Logistics "Supply Chain Networks vs Platforms: Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities", Würzburg, 14th-17th July, pp. 232-241

      Tsai, K-M; Chen, M-H; Bremer, P and Chen, T-Y (2019) - Implementing Association Rules for Rack Replenishment in Kiva Systems. Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Logistics "Supply Chain Networks vs Platforms: Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities", Würzburg, 14th-17th July, pp. 555-559

      Bremer, P; Rißling, J and Friedrich, F (2021) - What Constitutes Logistics Innovation? A Case Study of the German Logistics Award. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Logistics "Building Resilience for Supply Chains", Seoul, 12th-13th July.

      Bremer, P; Herbert, E and Strein, M (2021) - Smart Logistics as a Digital Ecosystem: An Integrative Literature Review and Conceptual Framework. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Logistics "Building Resilience for Supply Chains", Seoul, 12th-13th July.

      Dang, Y-S and Bremer, P (2021) - Self-adaptive KANBAN-based Material Supply. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Logistics "Building Resilience for Supply Chains", Seoul, 12th-13th July.

      Tsai, K-M.; Chang, H-C and Bremer, P. (2021) - How the Fashion Industry Reduces Time-to-Market from a Supply Chain Perspective – A Case Study on ZARA and adidas CORE. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Logistics "Building Resilience for Supply Chains", Seoul, 12th-13th July.

      Bremer, P., Alyones, H., Henz, Y., 
Hoch, A.-L., Mauer, M.,
 Nassar, A., and Tafel, M. (2022) Non-immersive NFC-based Smart Wearable 
for Picker-to-Parts Order Picking. Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Logistics "The Journey to Sustainable Supply Chains", Cork, 11-12th July.

      Guo, J.-J., Bremer, P., Lirn, T.-C., and Chen, S. (2022) - A study on the acceptance of autonomous container trucks in Taiwan. The 20th Asia Maritime & fisheries University Forum 2022, Mokpo, South Korea, 10th-12th November.
      Bremer, P., and Tsai, K-M. (2023) - Smartness in Picker-to-Parts Order Picking: A Socio-technical Systems Theory Perspective. Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Logistics "Managing Supply Chains during Geopolitical Turbulence", Enschede, 9-12th July.

      Chen, M-H., Bremer, P., Guo, S-M., Lin, P-J., and Tsai, K-M. (2023) - Material Stacking Problem Detection with Mask R-CNN for Storage Safety. Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Logistics "Managing Supply Chains during Geopolitical Turbulence", Enschede, 9-12th July.

      Bremer, P., Beer, J. E., and Tsai, K-M. (2024) - A Systems Theory Approach to the Performance Analysis of Robotic Compact Storage and Retrieval Systems: An AutoStore Case Study. Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Logistics "Building Sustainable Connectivity through Logistics and Supply Chains", Bangkok, 7-10th July

      Chen, M-H., Bremer, P., Schmitt, J., Tsai, K-M. (2024) - Reentrant Flow Shop Production Control with the Theory of Constraints for Wafer Fabrication Having Parallel Machines. 28th International Symposium on Logistics "Building Sustainable Connectivity through Logistics and Supply Chains", Bangkok, 7-10th July
      Bremer, Peik; Pelz, Marina und Sabah, Michael (2015). Unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln lernen - Der "Living Case" LearnFab GmbH. FHWS Science Journal 3(2015)1, S. 44-58

      Lirn, Tai-Cherng; Bremer, Peik; Yeo, Gi Tae; Shang, Kuo-Chung und Jiun, Liu Chen (2018). A Study on the Quality Management of Containerised Grains in Asia. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 34(2018)2, S. 53-60

      Bremer, Peik (2018). "Towards a reference model for the cold chain", The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(2018)3, S. 822-838

      Perotti, Sara; Bastidas Santacruz, Roman Felipe; Bremer, Peik, and Beer, Jakob (2022): Logistics 4.0 in warehousing: a conceptual framework of influencing factors, benefits and barriers. The International Journal of Logistics Management (ahead of print)


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