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THWS glossary and style guide

English-German Glossary

This page serves as reference regarding the obligatory terms for degree programmes, organisational units etc. as well as their official abbreviations. Terms are continuously reviewed and updated, so we decided against a downloadable list. For quick access we recommend bookmarking this page.

Style Guide for Official Publications (online/print)

As a rule all English texts shall use the British variety of English. Deviations are only possible for valid reason. The THWS Department of Public Affairs and Communications (HSK) asks to be informed if another variety of English is used and will try to consider this variety in its own publications, if possible.

Structured into topics, the Style Guide for English publications has its own pages.


If you would like to be informed about updates to the THWS Glossary or Style Guide, please send us your name and e-mail address.
If you miss specific terms in the Glossary or topics in the Style Guide, please let us know by also writing an e-mail to uebersetzungen[at]

Last updated: 04 Apr 2023

Bachelor's degree programmes - Bachelorstudiengänge

You can find a list of possible academic degrees in the section on Abbreviations.

Bachelor - General terms
English German Comment
academic study combined with vocational training Verbundstudium
bachelor's degree programme Bachelorstudiengang for headlines and formal writing
bachelor's programme Bachelorstudiengang within texts and in case of space constraints
bachelor's thesis Bachelorthesis
dual cooperative study programme duales Studium in case of space constraints also: cooperative studies
studies with intensive in-company training Studium mit vertiefter Praxis

Bachelor's programmes - Bachelorstudiengänge

English German Abbrev.
Applied Mathematics Angewandte Mathematik BAMD (Ger.) resp. BAME (Eng.)
Applied Polymer Engineering Kunststoff- und Elastomertechnik BKE
Architecture Architektur BA
Business Administration Betriebswirtschaft BBW
Business and Engineering Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen BWW (Ger.) resp. IBE (Eng.)
Business Analytics BBA
Business Information Systems Wirtschaftsinformatik BWI
Civil Engineering Bauingenieurwesen BB
Communication Design Kommunikationsdesign BKD
Computer Science Informatik BIN
Digital Rescue Management Digitales Rettungsmanagement BDRM
Digital Societies Digitale Gesellschaft BDG
E-Commerce E-Commerce BEC
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Elektro- und Informationstechnik BET
Geovisualisation Geovisualisierung BGV
Healthcare Management Management im Gesundheitswesen BMG
Hydrogen Technology Wasserstofftechnik BWT
Information Security Informationssicherheit BIS
International Management BIM
Logistics Logistik BL (Ger.) resp. IBL (Eng.)
Mechanical Engineering Maschinenbau BM
Mechatronics Mechatronik BMC
Media Management Medienmanagement BMM
Nursing Management Pflege- und Gesundheitsmanagement BPM
Robotics Robotik IRO (Eng.) resp. BRO (Ger.)
Social Work Soziale Arbeit BSA
Specialized Translation (Business/Technical) Fachübersetzen (Wirtschaft/Technik) BUE
Surveying and Geoinformatics Vermessung und Geoinformatik BVG
Sustainable Energy Systems Nachhaltige Energiesysteme BNES

Master's degree programmes - Masterstudiengänge

You can find a list of possible academic degrees in the section on Abbreviations.

Master - General terms
English German Comment
master's degree programme Masterstudiengang for headlines and formal writing
master's programme Masterstudiengang within texts and in case of space constraints
master's thesis Masterthesis

Master's programmes - Masterstudiengänge

English German Abbrev./Comment
Applied Mathematics and Phsyics Angewandte Mathematik und Physik MAMP
Artificial Intelligence MAI
Behavioral Counseling Verhaltensorientierte Beratung MVB
Brand and Media Management Marken- und Medienmanagement MMM
Business and Engineering Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen MWW
Design and Information Design und Information MKD
Digital Business Systems Digital Business Systems MIS
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Elektro- und Informationstechnik MET
Geo Data Technology Geodatentechnologie MGT
Healthcare Management Gesundheitsmanagement MGM
Integrated Innovation Management Integriertes Innovationsmanagement M2VI
Integrated Design and Construction Integrales Planen und Bauen MI6 (60CP) or MI9 (90CP)
International Business MIW
International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants MRM
Managing Global Dynamics MGD
Music Therapy for Empowerment and Inclusion Musiktherapie für Empowerment und Inklusion MEI
Product Development and Systems Design Produkt- und Systementwicklung MPS
Social Work Soziale Arbeit MSA
Specialized Translation with Media Translation Fach- und Medienübersetzen MFU
Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Technology/Business) Fachjournalismus und Unternehmenskommunikation (Technik/Wirtschaft) MVJ
Transformation MBT

Faculties - Fakultäten

Please note:

The German abbreviations for faculties etc. stay the same when the English term is used. They can be given in brackets after the long term at least once per page.

The Faculty of Business and Engineering (FWI) offers two TWIN programmes.

Officers and coordinators within faculties are also listed in the section on Officers and Coordinators - Beauftragte.

English German Comment
Dean Dekan:in
Dean of Studies Studiendekan:in
Dean's Office Dekanat
Deputy Dean Prodekan:in
Internship Coordinator Praktikums-/Praktikantenbeauftragte:r
member of the Dean's Office Dekanatsmitarbeiter:in
Programme Advisor Studienfachberater:in
Programme Coordinator Studienkoordinator:in
Programme Director Studiengangleiter:in
Study and Examination Regulations Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (SPO)

Faculties - Fakultäten

English German Abbrev.
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering Fakultät Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen FAB
Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities Fakultät Angewandte Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften FANG
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences Fakultät Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften FAS
Faculty of Electrical Engineering Fakultät Elektrotechnik FE
Faculty of Design Fakultät Gestaltung FG
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems Fakultät Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik FIW
Faculty of Plastics Engineering and Surveying Fakultät Kunststofftechnik und Vermessung FKV
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Fakultät Maschinenbau FM
Faculty of Business and Engineering Fakultät Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen FWI
THWS Business School THWS Business School

University management and bodies - Hochschulleitung und -organe

The terms mentioned below are capitalised only if they relate specifically to THWS and one of its university bodies.

University management and bodies - Hochschulleitung und -organe

English German Comment
Chancellor Kanzler:in
(the University's) Examination Board Prüfungsausschuss (der Hochschule)
(The degree programme's) Examination Committee Prüfungskommission (des Studiengangs)
Extended University Management Erweiterte Hochschulleitung
Faculty Council Fakultätsrat
President Präsident:in
Research Assistants' Council Konvent d. wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter:innen
(University) Senate Senat (der Hochschule)
Staff Council Personalrat/-vertretung
Student Council Studentischer Konvent
University Management Hochschulleitung
university body Hochschulorgan
University Council (or: THWS Council) Hochschulrat
University Management Präsidium
Vice President Vizepräsident:in No hyphen!

University services and units - Hochschulservices und Stabsstellen

University services and units - Hochschulservices und Stabsstellen

English German Abbrev.
Accreditation Unit Stabsstelle Akkreditierung -
Controlling Unit Stabsstelle Controlling -
Department of Finance HS Finanzen HSFI
Department of Public Affairs and Communications Hochschulkommunikation HSK
Department of Student Affairs HS Studium HSST
Facilities Management HS Gebäudemanagement HSGM
Internal Audit Unit Stabsstelle Innenrevision -
International Office HS Internationales HSIN
Legal Unit Stabsstelle Recht/Rechtsamt -
Personnel Department HS Personal HSPE
President's Office Stabsstelle Präsidialbüro -
Press Office Stabsstelle Presse -
Property Management Stabsstelle Liegenschaften -
Quality and University Development Unit Stabsstelle Qualität und Hochschulentwicklung -
Strategic Project Coordination Stabsstelle für Besondere Aufgaben -

Central and other facilities - Zentrale und andere Einrichtungen

Central and other facilities - Zentrale und andere Einrichtungen

English German Abbrev. Comment
Academic Advisory Service Allgemeine Studienberatung -
Bavarian Virtual University Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern vhb (ger.) -or- BVU (eng.) see BVU's Homepage
Campus for Language Proficiency Campus Sprache -
Campus for Professional Development Campus Weiterbildung CW
Career Service Career Service -
IT Service Center ITSC/IT Service Center ITSC
Library Bibliothek BIB alternatively: THWS Library
University Media Center Hochschulmedienzentrum HMZ

Institutes and (research) centers - Institute, Centers und Forschungseinrichtungen

In English publications the abbreviations stay German and can be given at least once per page in brackets after the English term.

Institutes and (research) centers - Institute, Centers und Forschungseinrichtungen

English German Abbrev.
Center for Artificial Intelligence Center für Künstliche Intelligenz CAIRO
Center for Additive Metal Printing Center für Additive Metallfertigung CAMP
Center for Robotics Center für Robotik CERI
Center for Sensors and Actuators Center für Sensoren und Aktuatoren CESA
Center for Intelligent Production Systems Center für Intelligente Produktionssysteme CIPS
Geo Group Studienbereich Geo geo.thws
Institute of Applied Logistics Solutions Institut für angewandte Logistik IAL
Institute of Applied Social Sciences Institut für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften IFAS
Institute of Design and Information Systems Institut Design und Informationssysteme IDIS
Institute of Digital Engineering Institut für Digital Engineering IDEE
Institute of Medical Engineering Schweinfurt (at the Competence Center Mainfranken) Institut für Medizintechnik Schweinfurt (im Kompetenzzentrum Mainfranken) IMES
Institute of Power Engineering and High Voltage Technology (at the Competence Center Mainfranken) Institut für Energie- und Hochspannungstechnik (im Kompetenzzentrum Mainfranken) IEHT
Institute of Rescue, Emergency and Disaster Management Institut für Rettungswesen, Notfall- und Katastrophenmanagement IREM
Technology Transfer Center for E-Mobility Technologietransferzentrum Elektromobilität TTZ-EMO
Technology Transfer Center Haßfurt Technologietransferzentrum Haßfurt TTZ-HAS
Technology Transfer Center Marktheidenfeld Technologietransferzentrum Marktheidenfeld TTZ-M

Officers and coordinators - Beauftragte

Officers and coordinators - Beauftragte

English German
BVU-Delegate vhb-Beauftragte:r
Coordinator for Large-Scale Equipment Beauftragte:r für Großgeräte
Course Guidance Officer (of a degree programme) Studienfachberater:in (eines Studiengangs)
DAAD Coordinator DAAD-Beauftragte:r
Data Protection Officer Beauftragte:r für Datenschutz
Degree Programme Coordinator Studienkoordinator:in
Doctorate coordinator Promotionsbeauftragte:r
Dual Studies Coordinator Beauftragte:r für Duales Studium
Environmental Protection Officer Umweltschutzbeauftragte:r
Equal Opportunities Officer Gleichstellungsbeauftragte:r
ERASMUS Coordinator ERASMUS-Beauftragte:r
Fire Prevention Officer Brandschutzbeauftragte:r
Health and Safety Officer Beauftragte:r für Arbeitssicherheit
Information Security Officer Informationssicherheitsbeauftragte:r
International Affairs Officer Auslandsbeauftragte:r
Internship Coordinator Praktikumsbeauftragte:r bzw. Praktikantenbeauftragte:r
Knowledge and Technology Transfer Coordinator Beauftragte:r für Wissens-/Techniktransfer
Lecturer Lehrbeauftragte:r
Occupational Safety Specialist Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit
Officer for Severly Disabled Students Beauftragte:r für Studierende mit Behinderung
Ombudsperson to Safeguard Good Scientific Work Ombudmann/-frau zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Arbeit/Praxis
Programme Advisor Studienfachberater:in
Programme Coordinator Studienkoordinator:in
Programme Director Studiengangsleiter:in
Representative of the Severely Disabled Members of Staff Schwerbehindertenvertreter:in
SAP Coordinator SAP-Beauftragte:r
Women's Affairs Officer Frauenbeauftragte:r

Abbreviations for days and months

Weekday (English) abbreviation (English) weekday (German) abbreviation (German)
Monday Mon Montag Mo
Tuesday Tue Dienstag Di
Wednesday Wed Mittwoch Mi
Thursday Thu Donnerstag Do
Friday Fri Freitag Fr
Saturday Sat Samstag Sa
Sunday Sun Sonntag So
Months (English) abbreviation (English)
January Jan
Feburary Feb
March Mar
April Apr
May May
June Jun
July Jul
August Aug
September Sep
October Oct
November Nov
December Dec

Academic Degrees

Explicit Form Abbrev.
Bachelor of Arts B.A.
Bachelor of Education B.Ed.
Bachelor of Engineering B.Eng.
Bachelor of Fine Arts B.F.A.
Bachelor of Laws LL.B.
Bachelor of Science B.Sc.
Bachlor of Music B.Mus.
Master of Arts M.A.
Master of Business Administration MBA
Master of Education M.Ed.
Master of Engineering M.Eng.
Master of Fine Arts M.F.A.
Master of Laws LL.M.
Master of Music M.Mus.
Master of Science M.Sc.