Frequently asked questions

Index to the frequently asked questions:








What do A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 stand for?

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) differentiates between six different levels of language proficiency.

A Basic User

A1 (Breakthrough)

A2 (Waystage)

B Independent User

B1 (Threshold)

B2 (Vantage)

C Proficient User

C1 (Effective Operational Proficiency)

C2 (Mastery)

Here you can find more detailed information about the CEFR.

How long does it take to complete a level?

You can complete a whole level in one course.

Our language courses comprise approximately 90 to 120 teaching units, including guided self-study. (1 teaching unit = 45 minutes)

A course takes either one semester (= courses during the semester) or up to 6 weeks (= intensive courses during semester break) to complete.

Are there prerequisites for attending a course?

There are no prerequisites for attending a beginning-level course (A1).

For all other levels (A2-C1) you will need to have completed the preceeding level of proficiency. You can find more information in the course registration form. Links to some free placement tests are provided in the text above.

Where can I find the course details?

You can find our course offer with all details on our homepage or under each language: 

course offer

German courses

English courses


How can I register for a language course?

Just click on the course offer on our website. You will find the orange registration button next to each course. In case the button is grey, registration is not possible at the given time.

When can I register for a language course?

Please note the following registration periods:

Summer semester:

10.03. - 20.03. for semester courses.

(late registration possible if spots are available)

10.07. - 20.07. for intensive courses

(late registration possible if spots are available)

Winter semester:

20.09. - 30.09. for semester courses.

(late registration possible if spots are available)

10.01. - 20.01. for intensive courses

(late registration possible if spots are available)

What can I do if I have missed the registration period?

Once the registration period has passed, you can be placed on a waiting list. If the waiting list is open, you will see the button "waiting list" next to the course in the course offer. If a spot opens up, we will contact you.

How do I pay for the course? What type of payment methods are there?

You will receive an invoice to the email address you have entered in the registration form, usually within six weeks after registration.

You will find all the details in the email and the attached invoice.

When will I receive my invoice? When do I have to pay the course fees?

You will receive the invoice via email usually four to six weeks after registration.

The payment period is stated in your invoice. Usually, you are asked to pay your bill within four weeks after receipt of your invoice.

Make sure to deposit the money in time in order to avoid reminder fees.


3.1 Before exams - preparation & registration

How can I prepare for the exam?

You can best prepare yourself for the exam by regularly attending your language course and by actively participating! In addition, we recommend completing all exercises on your elearning platform (THWS Moodle platform), where you can find additional materials and usefull links (e.g. Deutsche Welle - DW Deutsch lernen)

Is it possible to attend the course but not take the final exam?

Yes, it is possible to attend the course and not take the final exam. The exam is not obligatory but included in the course fee. The course fee will not be reduced if you decide to skip the exam.

Please note: If you need to hand in a language certificate at the Department of Student Affairs, a certificate of participation does not suffice. You need to pass the exam in order to receive a language certificate.

Is it possible to take the exam without having attended the course?

The Campus for Language Proficiency offers the following exams:

  1. Exam without course: currently not offered
  2. Exam in a course (final exam): if you are registered to a course with an exam, you can take the final exam without any extra fees. But retakes are not free! (See "What happens if I do not pass the exam?")
  3. Exam without re-registration for the course: you can register to this exam only, if you have failed the final exam in the first attempt in more than two exam sections* or/and failed the final exam and have missed more than 25% of the classes. An exam without re-registration for the course costs as much as a course with a final exam. Therefore, we recommend you register for a new course instead and attend classes regularely. (See "What happens if I do not pass the exam?")

* An exam consists of four sections: Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Written Expression, Oral Expression

3.2 During exams - format & content

How many sections does an exam consist of?

The final exam consists of four sections:

1.     Listening Comprehension

2.     Reading Comprehension

3.     Written Expression

4.     Oral Expression

Each of these sections makes up 25 percent of the total points. In order to obtain a language certificate, you will need to pass each individual section.

Sections 1-3 make up the written part of the exam. Section 4 – the oral exam- is usually scheduled on a separate day.

What contents are covered in the exam?

The content of the examination is determined individually for each proficiency level. Usually, the topics on the test align with the topics covered in classbook.

In order to inform yourself about the specific content of each proficiency level, please refer to the global scale of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Do you offer open book exams?

No, we don’t! You are not allowed to use any outside sources like dictionaries or translation tools.

3.3 After exams - grading & examination results

What happens if I do not pass the exam?

You have failed the final exam?

  • You have missed less than 25% of the classes and failed in one or two exam sections* only?

→ You can register for a retake. The retake exam fee is €139.00. You will receive the retake registration link with the email informing you that you have failed the exam. You only retake the parts you did not pass. Usually, there's only one retake opportunity.

The final exam must not date back more than 2 semesters.

The Campus for Language Proficiency cannot extend the deadlines for handing in language certificates at the Department of Student Affairs.

In UNIcert® courses, can I still obtain a UNIcert® certificate if I pass the retake? Yes, but you need to fulfill all other requirements as well.

  • You have missed less than 25% of the classes, but failed in more than two exam sections*?

→ We recommend you register for a new course and attend classes regularely.

You don't have time to wait for the next course? Then you can register to the next exam without re-registration for the course. You just take the exam without attending the course, but you need to take all four exam sections again. Please note, that such an exam costs as much as a course including a final exam (students: €285.00 / external participants: €489.00).

The Campus for Language Proficiency cannot extend the deadlines for handing in language certificates at the Department of Student Affairs.

  • You have missed more than 25% of the classes and failed in at least one exam section*?

→ Again, we recommend you register for a new course and attend classes regularely.

You don't have time to wait for the next course? Then you can register to the next exam without re-registration for the course. You just take the exam without attending the course, but you need to take all four exam sections again. Please note, that such an exam costs as much as a course including a final exam (students: €285.00 / external participants: €489.00).

The Campus for Language Proficiency cannot extend the deadlines for handing in language certificates at the Department of Student Affairs.


* An exam consists of four sections: Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Written Expression, Oral Expression


What type of language certificate will I obtain after passing the examination?

Once you have passed all sections of the examination, you will obtain either a THWS language certificate or a UNIcert® certificate. There are different prerequistes for each certificate. Please inform yourself for the relevant proficiency level under certificates or through the page certificates.)

What does UNIcert® stand for?

UNIcert® is an international system of certification and accreditation for various languages learnt in a university context. It is particulary relevant for future graduates. More detailed information can be found on the Webside of UNIcert®.

What’s the advantage of acquiring a UNIcert® certificate compared to a THWS language certificate?

UNIcert® is an accredited certificate that is signed by the university president. Many universitites and other higher education institutions are members of the UNIcert® training and certification system and thus the certificate is recognized by many German universitites.

An THWS language certificate is not as well-known and it is possible that some other universities may not recognize it. However, if you plan to continue your studies at THWS, an THWS language certificate is sufficient in order to fulfill the A2 language requirement needed during your second semester of your studies or for other fields of study. You can find more information under certificates.

Is the THWS language certificate recognized internationally? How long is it valid?

Regulations differ greatly. Please contact the institution directly that is asking for a language certificate.  It is impossible for us to know the specific requirements.

How can I obtain a DAAD language certificate?

The requirements for the language certificates that have to be provided when applying for studying abroad may vary a lot. Please inform yourself in time!

THWS students who need to prove English language skills for a study or internship abroad can apply for a DAAD language certificate for English via e-mail to the Campus for Language Proficiency (CLP - Campus Sprache).

The issuing of a DAAD language certificate requires a graded proof of a passed exam. If the proof has not been acquired at the CLP but externally (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge FCE, Cambridge CAE, etc.), the CLP must first decide on the recognition of the proof. If no graded proof is available, a mobility test can be taken at the CLP.

The mobility test consists of two parts, both of which must be successfully completed in the following order:
1. online language placement test "onSET-English": the online test takes up to 40 minutes in total and is conducted under supervision at one of the locations in Würzburg or Schweinfurt.
2. oral test: the oral test lasts 10 to 15 minutes and is conducted by an authorized CLP examiner.

How much does it cost to issue the DAAD Language Certificate? The mobility test as well as the issuing of the certificate are currently free of charge for THWS students.

Mobility tests usually take place on two fixed dates per year: November &  June - for the exact dates please contact the Campus for Language Proficiency by mail.

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