50 Years 50 Faces
Prof. Dr. Tanja Henking
Professor of Medical Law and Criminal Law, Head of IFAS
At FHWS since 01/10/2015
For me, FHWS is ...
a place of learning and research and a place for exchange.
What do you appreciate about FHWS?
For my location close to the city centre, the associated excellent links with practice partners, among other things. The exchange of expertise with colleagues in a wide variety of disciplines.
What was the best decision in your professional career and why? What has changed since then?
For me, several things which turned out to be right for me personally simply happened. I like teaching, I like researching, I enjoy exchange, I enjoy searching for solutions and searching for answers. FHWS is simply a good place for that.
What do you think has shaped FHWS the most over the last 50 years?
This is difficult to answer for me after just 5 of the 50 years, but undoubtedly the size of FHWS and the number of faculties, because this allows for openness, the growth of knowledge, progress and, above all, an academic discourse.
What is your vision of the future for FHWS? What might FHWS look like in 50 years’ time?
I hope that FHWS will remain a place for meetings, exchange and discourse, where independent research and therefore knowledge transfer into teaching is possible. A place where teachers, researchers and students have space to blossom and develop ideas and which does justice to its educational task.
What is your insider tip for Würzburg and why?
I am always impressed that there are tables and chairs outside from the first rays of sunshine and that everything is within walking distance. For me, DOC does the best cappuccino in the city centre; incidentally, I was there immediately after my "audition" and spontaneously liked the city at the time.